Finance & Operations Action Items for 4/20/20 Meeting

  • Monday, April 20, 2020 

    4:30 p.m.  


    Chair: Mr. Matthew Wilcox 



    1. AGREEMENTS – To Recommend Approval of the following items:

      1. Amendment # 1 to Agreement #9625449 with Focused Schools, to correct the start date from January 27, 2020, to December 10, 2019, and to change the rate from $1, 275.00 o $2,300.00 per consulting day and $750.00 per Administrative Day, with no change in funding amount of $30,600. 
        Funding Source:School Improvement Grant (SIG) - Hillhouse Program    
        Acct. #:2546-6265-54413-062 
        Presenter:Mr. Glen Worthy
        Document Link: Focused Schools

      2. Amendment #1 to Agreement #96254499 with Area Cooperative Education Services, (ACES), to correct the start date from January 14, 2020 to December 10, 2019, with no change in funding amount of 33,172.00 
        Funding Source:School Improvement Grant (SIG) – Hillhouse Program 
        Acct. #: 2523-5385-56697-0442 
        Presenter:Mr. Glen Worthy 
        Document Link: ACES

      3. Amendment #1 to Agreement with Shipman & Goodwin, to increase funding of $50,000.00 by $20, 0000.00 to $70,000.00, to cover unanticipated costs associated with litigation, including FOI litigation hearings. 
        Funding Source:Operating Budget 201-2020 
        Acct.#:190-47700-56695 PO # 9130294-001 
        Presenter:Attorney Michael Pinto
        Document Link: Shipman & Goodwin 


    2. CHANGE ORDERS – To recommend approval of the following items:

      1. Change Order #1 to Contract #21569-2-2 with Encore Holding, LLC, to increase funding of $150,000.00 by $88,000.00 to $238,000.00 for fire sprinkler services and mandated inspections for the remainder of the year.  
        Funding Source: Capital Funds  
        Acct. #: 3C20-2086-58101 
        Presenter: Mr. Joseph Barbarotta
        Document Link: Encore Holding, LLC