Public Meetings
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Governance Committee
The Governance Committee shall guide and prioritize the focus of the Board of Education, ensuring that the Board has effective systems of governance as a board in committees and as a public forum for all stakeholders.
The Governance Committee will meet on the 4th Monday (unless otherwise noted) of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the Administrative Offices 3rd Floor Conference Room, 54 Meadow Street, New Haven, CT, unless stated otherwise.
If attending meeting via Zoom, please right click this link:
Meeting ID: 821 7479 4840 / Passcode: 978007
Governance Committee 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
07/23/2024 - Agenda - Policies (1) Policy 5188 (2) School Climate Policy - Minutes
06/25/2024 - Meeting Canceled
05/30/2024 *Special - Agenda - Policies - Minutes
05/28/2024 *Tuesday - Agenda - Policies - Minutes
04/23/2024 - Agenda - Policy 5141.4 Child Abuse and Neglect - Policy 5141.5 Suicide Prevention - Minutes
03/13/2024 - Special Meeting - Agenda - Title IX Policy - Minutes
02/27/2024 - Meeting Canceled
02/22/2024 - Agenda - Governance Policy Review Protocol - Minutes
08/28/2023 - CANCELLED
05/22/2023 - CANCELLED
12/06/2022 - SPECIAL - Agenda - Minutes
12/05/2022 - CANCELLED
11/14/2022 - CANCELLED
11/07/2022 - CANCELLED
10/17/2022 - SPECIAL Agenda - Minutes
09/20/2022 - SPECIAL Agenda - Minutes
08/15/2022 - Agenda - Minutes
08/01/2022 - CANCELLED
05/16/2022 - CANCELLED
05/02/2022 - CANCELLED
04/18/2022 - CANCELLED
03/21/2022 - CANCELLED
01/18/2022 - CANCELLED
12/06/2021 - CANCELLED
09/23/2021 - SPECIAL MEETING: Agenda - Minutes
09/20/2021 - CANCELLED
09/07/2021 - CANCELLED
08/16/2021 - Agenda - Minutes
08/05/2021 (Special) - Agenda - Minutes
08/03/2021 (Special) - CANCELLED
06/21/2021 - Agenda - 6172 - 5145.53 - Proposed Policy 5141.25 - Minutes
06/07/2021 - Meeting Cancelled
05/03/2021 - Agenda - Minutes
04/19/2021 - Agenda - Minutes
04/05/2021 - Agenda - CABE Air Quality CPS7230.2 - CABE Residency Policy 5118
03/01/2021 - Meeting Cancelled
02/16/2021 - Agenda
02/01/2021 - Meeting Cancelled
01/04/2021 - Agenda
12/07/2020 - Meeting Cancelled
11/16/2020 - Agenda
11/02/2020 - Agenda - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Policy - Minutes
10/19/2020 - Meeting Cancelled
10/05/2020 - Agenda - Other Materials - Policy for Race & Equity - Minutes
09/21/2020 - Agenda
07/20/2020 - Agenda - Policy 7551
07/08/2020 - Special Meeting - Agenda
07/06/2020 - Meeting Cancelled and reschedule for July 8, 2020
06/15/2020 - Meeting Cancelled Agenda - Procurement Policy - Minutes
06/01/2020 - Agenda
Meeting will be facilitated by Zoom.
If you plan on joining this meeting via a mobile device. Please download the Zoom app from the google play store or the Iphone App Store
Topic: governance meeting
Time: Jun 1, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 911 6391 6232
Password: 6h.90mRY
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Meeting ID: 911 6391 6232
Password: 674554
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Join by Skype for Business
05/04/2020 - Agenda
04/20/2020 - Agenda - Materials
04/06/2020 - Agenda - Materials
03/16/2020 - Agenda Special Access instructions:
03/02/2020 - Meeting Canceled
02/18/2020 - Agenda
02/03/2020 - Agenda
01/21/2020 - Meeting Canceled
01/07/2020 - Special Meeting - Agenda - Survey of Students Policy
01/06/2020 -- Canceled2019
12/2/2019 - Agenda - Survey of Students Policy - Meeting Canceled
11/18/2019 - Agenda
11/4/2019 - Agenda - Minutes
10/21/2019 - Meeting Canceled
10/15/2019 - Meeting Canceled
09/23/2019 - Agenda
09/09/2019 - Special Meeting - Agenda - Minutes
08/26/2019 - 4:30 p.m., Celentano School Library, 400 Canner Street, New Haven, CT - Agenda - Minutes
08/12/2019 - Special Meeting - 4:30 p.m., Celentano School Library, 400 Canner Street, New Haven, CT - Agenda - Minutes
07/22/2019 - Agenda - this meeting will take place at Gateway Center, 2nd floor Board Room
06/24/2019 - Agenda
06/10/2019 - Special Meeting - Agenda-Minutes
05/28/2019 - Agenda- Minutes
05/13/2019 - Special Meeting - To Provide A Public Forum for Parent Concerns; 4:00 p.m., Celentano School Library, 400 Canner Street, New Haven, CT 06511 - Agenda - Minutes
04/22/2019 - Agenda - Canceled
03/25/2019 - Agenda
02/25/2019 - Agenda - Minutes
01/28/2019 - Agenda - Meeting Canceled
11/26/2018 - Agenda - Minutes
10/22/2018 - Agenda-Minutes
09/24/2018 - Agenda - Minutes
08/27/2018 - Agenda - Minutes
07/23/2018 - Special Meeting - Agenda - Minutes
06/25/2018 - Special Meeting - Agenda-Minutes
05/29/2018 - Agenda
05/07/2018 - Agenda - BOE Bylaws (first draft).
03/05/2018 - Agenda
02/16/2016 - meeting cancelled