Social Emotional Learning - Whole Child Framework
For additional resources and information, visit the NHPS Social Emotional Learning website.
In New Haven Public Schools, we develop students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in order to increase student engagement in academic learning, reduce dysregulated behaviors that prevent students from experiencing success, and improve academic outcomes, in order to prepare all students for college and career. We develop student SEL skills, through culture and climate, explicit instruction, and academic integration.
New Haven Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all students to develop the skills necessary to succeed in college, career, and life. We recognize that our students’ personal development must be nurtured concurrently with their academic development, with a high level of focus in the areas of multi-tiered support (MTSS), the middle to high school transition, and supportive SEL spaces.
The promotion of student self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making skills is paramount to improving student attitudes and beliefs about self, others, and school. We are committed to supporting student growth and development using the Whole Child Framework and the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits.
The 5 SEL Standards (
Have knowledge of own emotions
Develop an accurate and positive self-concept
Recognize individual strengths and external support systems
Regulate emotions
Monitor and achieve behaviors related to school life and success
Social Awareness
Have awareness of cultural factors and respect of individual differences
Recognize other people's emotions and values
Relationship Skills
Build and maintain relationships with diverse groups and individuals
Communicate clearly to express needs and resolve conflict
Responsible Decision Making
Problem solve effectively
Maintain accountable behaviors in school, personal and community context
For additional resources and information, visit the NHPS Social Emotional Learning website.
Social Emotional Learning Coordinator
Monica Abbott
(475) 220-1455 of Special Education and Social Work Services
Johanna Samberg Champion
(475) 220-1795
School Social Worker
Maciel Filpo
School Social Worker
Alison Onofrio
alison.onofrio@new-haven.k12.ct.usSocial Emotional Learning Coach
William Scott
william.scott@new-haven.k12.ct.usSocial Emotional Learning Coach
Mary Sullivan