TEAM Information

  • What is the TEAM Program?

    • Engages mentors and beginning teachers in a cycle of professional growth; together they reflect on practice, identify an area of need/growth, engage in professional learning, apply the new learning, and reflect on the impact on the teacher’s practice and student outcomes.
    • Each module is focused within the context of the teacher’s own students; subject, grade level, curriculum requirements and school and district goals. Teachers demonstrate completion of each module through either a reflection paper or project, depending on their district’s plan.
    • Beginning teachers complete Modules 1, 3, & 5 in Year 1 and Modules 2 & 4 in Year 2.  Modules 1-4 are completed online along with your mentor utilizing the TEAM Portal.  Module 5 will be completed through the district facilitator.    

    TEAM is designed as a continuous professional growth process aligned with the five domains of Connecticut’s Common Core of Teaching (CCT). The five modules include:

    Module 1-Classroom Environment, Student Engagement and Commitment to Learning

    Module 2-Planning for Active Learning

    Module 3-Instruction for Active Learning

    Module 4-Assessment for Learning

    Module 5-Professional Responsibilities and Teacher Leadership

    Module 5 - Professional Responsibilities is different from the other four modules, which are primarily classroom centered. To fulfill Module 5 requirements, teachers must engage in district-facilitated conversations that focus on ethical and professional dilemmas and their professional responsibility to students, the larger school/district educational community and to families. Offered in October/November.